All Bar One BBQ Pulled Pork and Handmade Beef Burger

Review of All Bar One BBQ Pulled Pork and Handmade Beef Burger


What they say:

BBQ pulled pork and handmade beef burger topped with Applewood cheese and a dill gherkin. Served in a sesame brioche bun with fries and mango coleslaw.

Price: £11.00.

Calories: Unknown.

It’s been a while since we had a guest review from our Official Screenwriter for Burger Lad®: The Movie so imagine my little face when this arrived in my inbox… keep them coming please!!

Well, it’s been a while since my one and only review for this hallowed site, so I thought I’d pull out my metaphorical finger and write another.

I like to think of myself as the Terrence Malick of the burger reviewing world.

The joint was All Bar One, the location Milton Keynes, the burger:

BBQ Pulled Pork and Handmade Beef Burger.

Now I’m not a resident of the straight road, promenade strewn new town of Milton Keynes, but on a hazy humid Friday I arrived in delirious anticipation of seeing Pearl Jam (best band in the World) at the National Bowl.

I arrived at lunchtime and boy was I hungry, so with no bearings what-so-ever I headed toward the tall buildings and I found a safe haven of restaurants and All Bar One looked to have the most impressive menu.

The burger arrived expertly presented but it was immediately apparent the burger would have had to have been put together by a master engineer to keep it all together on the lift from plate to mouth.

So, with all the care of a surgeon I removed the stick keeping everything in place and lifted! The Applewood tried it’s hardest to keep the BBQ pulled pork in place, but needless to say, slippage was a problem and a lot of pork was lost to the plate.

All Bar One BBQ Pulled Pork and Handmade Beef Burger
All Bar One BBQ Pulled Pork & Burger…

But who cares, it was the tastiest damn burger I’d had in ages!

The pork had an amazing BBQ sauce, not too sweet and literally melted in your mouth and the Applewood on top was a stroke of cheesy genius – it complimented very well.

As for the burger, it was delightfully cooked with hint of char grill and substantial in stature – it sat nicely in the brioche bun which was nice and soft – a great bun!

The fries, well they were fries, they did their job – not much else to say about them really – and the mango coleslaw came in a tiny pot and didn’t really taste of much – but we’ll let them off for this.

So, all in all spending £11 seems quite expensive for a lunch time burger, but when it tastes this good I’d happily spend again! Round of applause please.

*clapping* Thanks again for giving us this look at the All Bar One BBQ Pulled Pork and Handmade Beef Burger – you can come and try my PFT for half that price!

If you would like to contribute to the number one burger review website please get in touch.

Burger Lad®